Outstanding Service Awards
The Outstanding Service Awards are selected annually by each Vice President (or President for those units reporting directly to the President). Each division will nominate and select a recipient. The divisions can determine how they want to select the recipient, e.g. through a committee or through nominations to the VP/President. The awards will be presented at the the annual Employee Appreciation Breakfast.
Criteria for nomination and selection include, but are not limited to:
- Exceptional service to students, faculty, staff or external constituents
- Continually going “above and beyond the call of duty”
- Exceptional performance on a special project or assignment
- Contributing to the improved morale and/or work environment of the division
- Significant contributions to the university community
- Actions that distinguish the employee outside their professional realm
- Contributions in leadership in external community matters or in the employee’s field
Only those individuals actively employed at Minnesota State Mankato are eligible.
The award will consist of a certificate signed by the President and Vice President for the division and an “Outstanding Service” paperweight.
Divisions should notify the HR of their selection so that appropriate arrangements can be made for certificates and paperweights.