Deans and Other Administrators

Listed below are the deans and other adminstrators.

Council of Deans

Patricia Marincic

Dean of the College of Allied Health and Nursing

Roy Kammer

Interim Associate Dean of the College of Allied Health and Nursing

Seung Bach

Dean of the College of Business

Kathy Dale

Interim Associate Dean of the College of Business

Mwarumba Mwavita

Dean of the College of Education

Chris Brown

Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Chip Panahon

Interim Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Mohammad Alam

Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology

Aaron Budge

Associate Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology

Timothy Berry

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Learning Innovation

Will Coghill-Behrends

Dean of Global Education

Chris Corley

Dean of Library and Learning

Pieter deHart
Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies

Jennifer Veltsos
Assistant Provost for Accreditation, Assessment and Curriculum Innovation

Teri Wallace

Interim Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of Extended Campus 

Additional Members of the President's Expanded Cabinet

Linda Alvarez

Director of Equal Opportunity & Title IX

Amy Cooney

Associate Vice President for University Advancement

Lin Chase

Interim Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning

Paul Corcoran

Assistant Vice President of Facilities Management

Jill Frederickson-Kratzke

Director of Human Resources

Brian Jones

Interim Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management

Brian Martensen

Interim Executive Director, Minnesota Polytechnic and Applied Learning Institute

Amy Meckeler

Associate Vice President for University Marketing and Communications

Kelly Meier

Assistant Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion

Michelle Moosally

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Steve Smith

Assistant Vice President of Budget and Business Service

Nikki Stock

Interim Dean of Students

Elizabeth Whitcomb

Director of Student Financial Services